Don’t take our word for it.
Please ask around.

“Everybody needs this course. It is such a mental relief to have a system and a method that gives me control and overview – at work and in life!“

Ingeborg Grötterud / BU Manager Nuclear Sweden at AFRY

Our Why.

Anna Bojlert, Founder & CEO of Beminded tells the story:

A few years back I was in a follow-up workshop with a Danish management team. There was a woman there, a highly ranked analytical manager, who had been very reserved and quiet throughout the training and even now in the follow-up meeting. I am usually very sure that what we teach and help them accomplish is of value. But with her, I was unsure. Was she unhappy with our work? We went around the table with reflections on what had changed since they started working with Beminded. Suddenly the analyst spoke up: ”– This is the first time I have been able to go on vacation and not think about work. Because I have changed my way of working, and have control. It is actually the first time in my life that I have been able to fully enjoy my vacation. It feels like it has changed my life.”

But how?

We help you create true motivation, less stress and increased productivity for employees and leaders. With awareness of the challenges we face in the era of information, and methods to gain control of your daily work and objectives, there is inner peace and the joy of accomplishment to be gained. We make sure there’s time to put your heart into working with value-adding activities, and to feel good about it. We call this way of thinking and this practical training, stress free productivity.

Stress-free productivity

  • How to optimize your way of working to give the brain an ability to focus and be decisive
  • Smart information management
  • Awareness about interruptions and how to minimize them
  • Structure and overview
  • How to increase control and reduce stress
  • How to focus on and prioritize your most important projects and activities
  • A level playing field for increased group efficiency

Our Main Team

We’d love to hear from you. Please use Emailing works too. Thank you!

Anna Bojlert VD och grundare Beminded AB
+46 705652878

Anna Bojlert

Anna is the founder and CEO of Beminded AB with a background in behavioral science and with many years of managerial experience.
+46 722458758

Lena Vågström

Lena is CTO of Beminded AB with a background in IT-positions and with a masters of science in engineering.
+46 733484729

Catherine Stiller Cohn

Catherine is COO of Beminded AB with managerial experience and a background in design.

Beminded New Zealand

Nat Milne

Nat is managing director and co founder to Beminded New Zealand since 2023. Nat is a business owner and long-time ‘people’ enthusiast who is passionate about lifting New Zealand’s productivity, with its positive impacts for both individuals and the business community. Having completed the Beminded training, experiencing the results first-hand, she is thrilled to bring this highly regarded and hugely practical programme to New Zealand.

Client testimonials

We think the world of our clients. Are we just lucky to have worked with fantastic people? Maybe. Or maybe it has something to do with our strive to get to know them and their business. To understand their mission. We thank you for the opportunity.

We’ve been working with Beminded and their training for quite som time now, and we are more than happy with the result. The training helps our employees to find efficient methods of working, based on common rules, yet it allows for their different conditions in responsibility and company role. The participants learn a way of working which makes them more efficient and focused the very same day they take the course, so it is an easy return on investment. The instructors are pedagogical and they strengthen the organization’s change of behavior in accordance with the business plan. It is an extra bonus that our employees attending the course are content and inspired.”

— Henrik Bunge, CEO, Björn Borg

It all started with Beminded training my business unit team in stress-free productivity. The effect of changing how we think and behave in the day-to-day work has been apparent, and it has led us to us to work with Beminded in several other departments. By now more than half of all the employees of the Swedish part of the company have gone through training. We have great confidence in Beminded, and working with them has changed us as a team and led to transparency and trust within the group, in addition to making us productive and motivated. Even though we work in the complex field of biopharma, Beminded successfully tailored their services to our needs.”

— Kristoffer Meyner, General Manager, Licher Medical Therapy GmbH

Everybody needs this course. It is such a mental relief to have a system and a method that gives you control and overview – at work and in life! The training is very hands on, you get to practice your new ways of working on your actual tasks, emails and projects. The theoretical part focuses on the brain and gives you the understanding of why we act irrational when we are stressed and how we can work WITH our biology and not against it. Working with Beminded has helped me focus more on the important and proactive tasks, and spend less time fighting fires. I feel less stressed and have greater peace of mind. With all this said, I especially appreciate the unique approach from Beminded in providing free support for a full year after the training. They are really committed in helping with creating a lasting change.

— Ingeborg Grötterud, BU Manager Nuclear Sweden at AFRY

Sports teams practice 98% of the time and perform 2% of the time. Corporate teams practice nearly 0% of the time and perform 100% of the time. Yet, we expect ’high-performing’ teams to simply happen…

How we do anything is how we do everything. With commitment and with putting our hearts in to it.

© Beminded AB